VISS Facade
Using the VISS system, Jansen provides a highly thermally insulated facade construction that comes with a Passivhaus certificate, suitable for both new buildings and renovation projects. The modular system components are chosen based on structural needs, panel sizes, and infill element thicknesses to deliver the optimal solution for both structural integrity and cost efficiency.
Burglar-resistant facade: proven system solution for enhanced property protection To address the demand for higher levels of building security, Jansen introduces the new VISS RC4, an advanced version of its RC3 burglar-resistant system. The VISS RC4 meets the increasing need for heightened security while ensuring easy production and installation. Maintaining the same aesthetic as the […]
VISS SG facade
VISS SG offers an architecturally appealing all-glass facade that combines aesthetic transparency with high-tech performance. Built on the reliable VISS system, VISS SG allows for efficient and simple construction of structural glazing facades. Glazed panels measuring up to 2.5 x 5.0 meters enhance the transparency of the building’s exterior. The system accommodates double or triple […]
Economy 60 E30/EW30/E60/EW60 fire protection doors
Using the established Jansen Economy profiles, you can fit fire doors and fixed lights up to class E90, including those classified as E30/EW30/E60/EW60. These profiles share the same appearance as the Janisol 2 and Janisol C4 fire safety systems, featuring very narrow face widths with a 60 mm depth. The Jansen Economy profiles also support […]
VISS Fire EI30 facade
The updated VISS Fire EI30 curtain wall system offers architects unprecedented design flexibility. With glass dimensions extending up to 2300 mm in width and 4600 mm in height, there is an expanded range of glazing options from various manufacturers, as well as more choices for corner joint configurations. This allows for greater creative freedom in […]
Jansen Economy 60 RS smoke control door
Jansen Economy smoke protection systems enable efficient production of flush smoke control doors compliant with DIN 18095. The 60 mm deep profiles are distinguished by their narrow face widths. A wide range of styles and functional variations have been tested and approved.
Janisol anti-finger-trap doors
The rounded half shells on the Janisol anti-finger-trap doors reduce the risk of injury at the secondary closing edge, effectively preventing crush and shear points in accordance with DIN 18650. Equipped with low-maintenance, high-performance strip hinges, these doors are ideal for high-traffic areas such as shopping centers, schools, and hospitals. Compliant with the EN 14351-1 […]
Anti-finger-trap door Janisol 2 EI30
The Janisol 2 EI30 anti-finger-trap fire doors are designed to minimize injury risks at the secondary closing edge with their rounded half shells. This makes them especially suitable for high-traffic public buildings such as schools, shopping centers, railway stations, and airports. The appearance of these fire-rated doors is consistent with other Jansen anti-finger-trap doors that […]
Janisol window
The Janisol window system, crafted from steel or stainless steel, offers slender profile face widths that encourage creative design and add a unique character to buildings. Whether you’re considering sash bar variations, arched windows, or large-panel glazing, this system is ideal for both new constructions and the renovation of existing buildings.
Fire protection combination Janisol 2 EI30 70 mm
Increasing safety demands in buildings often necessitate the integration of various fire protection requirements. To address both technical and aesthetic needs, individual door profiles in the established Janisol 2 EI30 fire protection system have been enhanced with a 70 mm installation depth. This allows for seamless integration of transparent Janisol C4 EI60 fire-resistant partitions—and even, […]